Have I ever mentioned I'm a terrible blogger? For real. I am. I forget, get distracted, never keep up....yeah. I'm a terrible blogger. Anyway, just finished this really humorous book called "Aim Low". Its by Dave Dunseath and was quite a find at Ollie's. Its generally about keeping your expectations in check, because more than likely, you're a loser. And losers aren't winners. And frankly, winners are jerks. It also has some other great advice. If you want to borrow it, there's already a short waiting line, so I suggest hoppin by Ollie's or some other book store to grab your own copy. Plus then you can read it at your own pace.
Other than the book, the other excitingish new is that tonight is the opening night of the play. I only have small part(s), but that's cool. I love theater and acting so I'm kinda happy that I got anything at all. If you're in the area, or have nothing to do this friday or sunday (because today is just too short of notice) you should stop by. Admission is free, and you get desserts. Here's the link to check it out more-- Mayhem in Mayville . It'll be a hoot.
And after that shameless plug, somewhere around three weeks of school left. That means in about three weeks I'll be making my quarterly trip across the U.S. Also means that this is a heads up for my Tn friends in Chattanooga....get ready! I'm kinda 50/50 on leaving here to go back to Mo...but that's nothing new. I'm ready for a slightly different change of pace and would like to take some time to not gogogo all the time.
Ok, well that's all for now. I'm going to try to catch a nap before I have to get ready for the play.