Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And the madness begins....

Classes started today...along with the massive pile of papers from the classes. It really doesn't look bad so far, but its only three classes right now too. And that doesn't include the independent study class either. But, it'll be manageable. I hope!

Other than classes, this summer looks like its shaping up to be an adventure. But, nothing can be officially said until the ball starts really rolling. That should start late Feb. So all plans will be announced then.

Church is going well. Excited for the move that'll be happening soon!! Cardia was great last night...truly pretty awesome. The message was great, explained why bad things happen in this world. It was neat that it was on a topic that a lot of people just gloss over. Most Christian media out today would have you believe that once you are a Christian, bad things shouldn't happen to you and everything should be awesome all the time. But that isn't reality. Bad things happen cause the world is messed up cause of something that happened a long time ago that directly affected the rest of humanity and all of nature. Instead of saying that it all comes from Satan like most of the media out there, why don't we just own up to it and say that we, humans, are the cause of it and are experiencing the results of a mistake made long ago? Once we own up to it, it shouldn't be too hard to understand why people die, natural disasters happen, poverty exists and bad things happen. Bad things happen cause its messed up here, but at least we've got someone to help us through it all. And because of that, we shouldn't be focused on how bad everything is, we should be focusing on fixing the brokenness and helping others find the one they need to lean on to get through it too.