Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day Before

Right now there's a list at least a good quarter mile long that I need to complete before i leave tomorrow to Germany. One of which is fiquring out a way to call back to the states after arriving. I found out today that texting will still charge a awesome international fee so that won't work. Also, the notebook (laptop) I was planning to get fell through due to unforseen circumstances. Which is cool, it'll be a nice little lent from the internet...oh how sad life will be with out twitter! (haha) Fortuently, I'm not too concerned about all of that because I have a wonderful new camera that will do videos and stuff that I'll upload when I'm back in the states.
Another little obstacle I have is finding the insurance company I'm supposed to go through. Unfortuently, I didn't transfer the e-mails from my school account to my private account so that info is lost somewhere in cyberspace. But fortuently, my mission agency is really nice and are sending it to me sometime today. So that's not a big worry, just a annoyance.
The major thing right now is figuring out how to pack everything and get it under the weight limit. Luckily, I'm am expert packer and have the majority of it done already. Now I just have to get to town and pick up the last few items I need to survive a thirteen hour flight.
Other than all that, everything is shaping up pretty nicely! Hopefully the rest of the day and tomorrow morning will follow suit. I'll be able to update all the way till I leave Detroit, then hopefully I'll get to type some in a internet cafe! That's all for now! Peace!