Saturday, May 22, 2010


I am not known to be a great cook. At most, I'm pretty mediocre, but sometimes, very rarely, this thing inside of me clicks and I can just whip up something that seems so strange and bizarre, but somehow it works and tastes amazing. Tonight that happened. Twice. All because of my poor fallen cherry tree. Earlier today I noticed that some of the cherries were rip and ready to be picked, and me not having anything to do decided to go out and get a few. Then I decided it'd be neat to see if I could make a cherry sauce from it. Turns out I can. And it turned out pretty good so I thought...hmmm....this would be amazing on some white cake. Which I mixed up from scratch. Now, historically speaking, when I make a cake from scratch, it doesn't work. But somehow it did. So now I have this amazing cherry cake sitting on my dinner table begging for more of it to be eaten.
After that it was time to start dinner. Tonight it was just me and my grandma. She loves spicy foods. I literally cry every time she cooks because its too spicy for me. Because of that I decided to make some jalapeƱo-cherry chicken. Mind you, I've never done that before. I've cooked chicken plenty of times, but never dared to make a weird combo like that. By the grace of the cooking faeries, it worked. She came in and thought it was pretty dang amazing. I thought my mouth was going to suffer from third degree burns because of the peppers, but it was pretty tasty. Served it over some plain couscous, and viola!
That's my amazing cooking adventure of the day. I'm still kinda in shock that it all worked out. Can't wait for the rest of the cherries to ripen so I can make jelly and pies and other fun stuff (:
Also- Starwars has been on all day. I want an Ewok.