Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sneak Day!

Today was sneak day. Sneak day is the time honored tradition where the seniors get together and plan a getaway day for the class body without telling anyone, even the professors. Naturally, the professors find out, and are okay with it. Over the recent years, they have known more about it and are asked to come, but only after 9am. This day starts at 5am by all the seniors waking up the underclassmen. My weapon of choice was the airhorn. 'Twas loud, hated and effective. This year it had been decided that we were to go to the Outer Banks of Nc, have a sunrise devo at Son Rise Church (get it? i didn't at first) and then go to Grog's. Grog's is this really cool place that rents out jetskis and has dolphin tours. The people on sneak day got to choose which one to do. I went with the dolphins considering I like them and haven't seen any that close that aren't separated from me by glass. Afterwards, we had this super nice lunch and then went to the beach for a bit. But back to lunch. I got asked to get the beans that were left at the church, so I did. And poor Aimee was the person who got to have them on her lap. Now beans have a fair bit of juice in them, well in the stuff you cook them in. And when you pair that with a container that doesn't seal all the way plus a moving vehicle, you get bean juice all over the inside of your car. It was quite an adventure and my car now smells of baked beans.
All in all, sneak day was pretty much awesome. But now I have to go memorize a bunch of words that I don't want to memorize. Frankly, I just want to go to bed. Soon. Very soon.