Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nargles beware!

I have a list. Actually, I have several lists. This particular list got revamped today. After looking at it for a little bit, the qualities of all the things on it seemed more the same than ever. Honestly, pretty much repeated the same thing with different nouns and physical characteristics. Even the looks of them aren't all that different. Woah.

In other ramblings, got boxes in the mail yesterday (whoot!) One was a carepackage of food, one was winter stuff and the last one, the most fun one, were things I ordered from Etsy. Now I'm a huge closet nerd. Normally I'm able to keep all of my nerdiness inside. These were super cool to me. I got radish earrings and a cork necklace. Basically this means I'm going to get a lot of wisdom and the nargles won't bother me.

If you got that, you know what its from.
If you didn't, google.