Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I can't walk very well. I haven't been able to for over a week now. I've been hobbling around either on my own feet or crutches, which I have decided are my worst enemy ever. Crutches are not my friends. Never will be. Anyway, I took a nap today. This nap was brilliant and induced by the amazing pain meds I'm taking now that cause me to sleep and not feel anything. This nap had a great dream in which I was running and jumping and leaping like a little unicorn. It was magical! So when I awoke out of my magical jumping dream, for some reason, I thought that I would be able to leap from my bed and begin the day anew. Unfortunately, I forgot the whole "I'm a slight cripple and landing on the bad leg causes intense pain and collapse". So, after the whole *BADUM!* of jumping out of bed, I was stricken with a gut wrenching realization of "NO" and collapsed on the ground. There I lay. Pathetic and withering on the ground in pain. Then the haze from the sleep lifted and I realized more clearly, I cannot move normally. And that I was kinda hungry. After many more minutes of laying on the floor wondering first what I could eat and second how I was going to get up, the thought of rolling came to me. Rolling is less effective in a dorm room than one would think. Instead of rolling to my closet where I would use the sink to pull myself up, somehow I rolled into my bed, cornering myself. Slowly, I just gave in. I was never getting up.

Then I realized I was being dumb and could use the bed to pull myself up.

That was the clearest moment of my day. Now I can sit here, off the floor and happily with my easy mac and coke recounting the story for you. Take that crutches I didn't use but probably should have!