I have a heat pad. One that my mom used to have and I'm pretty sure one of these days it'll catch on fire. Hopefully that won't be tonight as it is tied to my back at this point. Whoever invented heat pads I would love to thank. They are pure genius. Them and the person who came up with chocolate chips. Lovely lovely invention.
As much as I'd like to go on about the wonders of modern living (thank goodness I wasn't raised Amish). There's this new hat I'd like to show off. My friend requested a pixie style hat and after a bit of searching I found one to go off of that she liked. She also wanted it striped, which I thought was kinda cool. Before she took it home I managed to snag a pic (or five) of it to show off.Here's two of them. At the time I was taking them my friend S was in the room laughing at me, and the show we were watching, hence the weird faces I made.
Side View!

Front View!

Happy monday nights!
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