The other day I thought that I would make a horse. Not just any horse mind you, but a MACU mustang horse. So here is the making of the horse...well most of it.

The head. At one point I thought it'd be funny to put some red felt under there isn't a picture of that. It was too Godfather...

Woo! Most of the body done! Yeah! Got some eyes...and some legs..and everything is mostly attached!

This is what it looks like right now. The mane took forever to get done and I kinda got bored of making legs. I promise it won't be leg and tail-less for much longer.

Isn't that face just adorable??
On Monday he'll take up residence in the MACU student life office. I think I may have to make another one to actually sell because I love this guy a little too much. Might give him up for a million dollars....but that's a big might. He may even make an appearance at the basketball game tomorrow... :)
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