Ok, to add onto the crafting things that have been happening. For a while I alluded to a super secret project that I was working on. And now I finally get to show it off on here. Yay! Here they are, the dobbin horses of secrecy! I made five and each has their own little personality :) However, not all five are pictured here cause I didn't get pictures of all of them. Well, I did. Some just ended up super blurry and such. So here are the good pictures!
Not much else is happening. Open dorms are tonight so at some point I guess I'll clean up my craft explosion so it'll be presentable. My sunflowers are quite tall now and soon a couple of them will go to live with a dear friend of mine and a couple others will go to reside outside. I have this one wimpy stemmed one that I feel bad for as it's getting crowded out by all the others. It's so sad looking, but that just means it's going to be like Rudy right? A wimpy little thing that no one thinks much of until it grows into what it's supposed to be? I have to say I am still quite proud of my little cati that are growing pretty well. Do need to pick up some sand at some point...luckily I live close enough to the beach for that to not be a problem. Ah...well, I think it's time to try to work on some cleaning. Till later...
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