Monday, May 23, 2011

What a nice weekend.

This has been an eventful weekend. Let's start on Saturday.
Saturday was the Potato Festival here in grand ol' E-City. It was basically your typical small town fair with the music, stands, rides and greasy not good for you but very delicious food. I was there to help with my college's stand. It was pretty cool. We had a beanbag toss set up (for some reason here it's called corn hole...I don't get it...), a jar of candy and a bunch of fake tattoos to give out. Quite a few people stopped by to talk to us. All in all it was a pretty eventful day. After all the fair jazz, my dear dorm parents and I spent some time together talking...that sounded super weird after I typed it. Maybe it's just my inner voice reading that weird. Anyway, it was a very nice evening with them and I am super thankful for them and how wonderful they are.
Bringing it around to Sunday. Yesterday, aka Sunday, was my roommate's wedding. It was in a little church filled with many people. She was beautiful and her guy was pretty spiffy too. The reception was fun too. Got to see many people that I won't until August, have some cake balls and get a little dance on. Have to say one of the funnier parts was when they tried to leave. The groomsmen had hiked the groom's tracker up on blocks, so they couldn't leave. It was great fun, even when they managed to leave. I'm super happy for the both of them and wish them all the best.
Now let's touch on Today was filled with packing. Managed to get my room packed up and cleaned in record time. I'm really thankful for two friends who are letting me store a few things at their house. There's only one, maybe two more trips that need to be made to the car with stuff, but the majority is stuffed into my tiny little camaro. It's kinda amazing how much will fit in there. Tomorrow morning I'll start the drive back home. Right now I'm playing the "where to stop" game. I really want to get as far as I possibly can in one day so the next day it won't be so long. Also don't want to wear myself out on the first day, so it's a big back and forth. The major worry is the weather and hopefully it won't rain. Scattered thunderstorms are called for in two of the major cities I'll be driving not thrilled about that. Let's just hope that it's sunny skies both days. And that my car doesn't give me any trouble. That's another major concern. Hopefully it all goes well.

Another thought, please keep the people of Joplin, Mo in your thoughts. For up to date news on the situation there, check out They are reliable and a great source for news.