This week has been crazy. My work hours have picked up so I've been kept busy there. And when I'm not there I'm working on various papers for the rescue where I volunteer. That's pretty much a job within itself. Beyond that is the garden and animals. Whew. It's a wonder I'm still up right now. Work has been going pretty well. I enjoy my job and I can honestly say that my arms have gained some muscle mass from lifting all those groceries! I don't really have much else to say...I have a couple little peppers coming in and a few tomatoes. My sunflowers are coming up in full force and I'm excited to see them bloom. I did have one of the ones that I started at school survive to bloom. That was pretty cool to see. In fact, here's a picture of it....
Hmm...what else...
Oh yeah, I'm going to be in a movie! Yeah! As an extra and a body double. I'm naturally super excited about this. I go to film next weekend! Going to be a famous movie star before we know it lol
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