Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday sunday

Yesterday, I got destroyed in Scrabble. First time in a long time that happened. In my defense, I wasn't paying much attention, was tired and was eating at the same time. So...I could have won?

Today I went to a new church with a friend. Kind of liked it, but it reminded me a lot of the church that I used to go to and sometimes miss. May consider going again, but I don't know. I'm not big on going alone. Anyway, it was nice. Got all gussied up in a dress. Now I'm bumming around in sweats waiting for the call to go dogsit. At least I'll be able to get some homework done and maybe even get ahead.

Hopefully later today I'll be able to finish up the red on the rug I'm making. If not that, then finish cutting the strips for the big rug I'm working on. I almost fogged the rug because I started the pattern wrong, but you can't tell unless you look hard and know the pattern.

Not a whole lot of deep thinking has been going on lately. Just trying to give some things up and focus on the bigger picture. It's really hard sometimes, but it's getting easier.

I have an hour left before the call. I think I'll go down stairs and get some squares done. That seems like a good way to spend some time :)