Friday, February 24, 2012


Oh, let's see...since the last time that I've blogged, I've started exercising more. Which is pretty cool because I'm starting to feel fit and invincible. Yesterday, I bench pressed 56 lbs, squatted the same, and deadlifted 40lbs. Afterwards I felt as if I could take on anyone. It's amazing what a little bit of endorphins can do for the mind. The ultimate goals are to be able to squat 110lbs- the weight of a baby hippo, dead lift my own weight, and bench press 90lbs- the weight of a small female black bear. Also, to be able to fun a 5k this summer without dying. That'd be nice too.

In the realm of acting/modeling, I'm supposed to have a shoot tomorrow, but it doesn't look like the weather will hold out for it. Reschedule time again. Ah, well. Things are looking up somewhat. Been talking with the KC agency that I'm interested in working with and still loving the VA one I have. Got a few auditions lined up for March that I'll hopefully get. Supposed to have an audition within the next week or two for a zombie flick that'll film in late March. Hope I get it!

Been a crafting fool lately. Made a baby set- rompers, headband, hat and bunny; a Tardis hat; mario mushroom; started a blanket; charmander; and a star afghan. I think that's all. Joined a group for local crafters and hoping to get a couple sales from that. Have a few other things that I'll be starting soon. Oh yeah, been planning out some new cool hats! Those will be fun.

Other than all that, relational issues, school issues, same ol' same ol'. One day I'll catch up on all this work I have to do and maybe get ahead. I am thankful that I'm not super stressed. For all that I have to do, I'm not worried about any of it. Which is weird. Must be a God thing.