Sunday, March 1, 2009

Starbucks, baptism

Today's message was really great. It was a hard hitting one that was just...awe inspiring for the lack of better terms. It really hit the heart and was great. If you want to hear it, go to forefront and click media then messages. Its the last one in the broken people series. Its just something that you'd have to hear.

After church and hanging out in the food court, I chilled at Starbucks. While I was there, a couple of youth pastors were working on their sermon. Which was a sermon that we just did in the high school group. I thought it was pretty funny that we had just done that. I talked to them about it for a while and they took it a totally different route than we did, but that's cool. There's no wrong or right way about it. Just so long as the students learn. Managed to finish Messy Spirituality. Its a must read. Very cool book. Also, talked to a girl that I knew in high school for a while...she's in Poland now. It was neat to be able to talk to her and catch up with all that's happened in the past couple years and all. I love talking to people and hearing their stories and how they've changed and everything.

Later was the baptism service. Which was sweet. Claire went with me (after a hour at Starbucks--seriously believe the people there think I'm crazy lol) and she ran powerpoint and it was cool. Just being there and seeing stuff happen in people's lives is cool. Got told something that caught me off guard and made me extremely humble...but that's not to be revieled yet :) All in all it was a pretty good day. Tomorrow looks to be a slow one, as does the day after, but Wednesday.....Wednesday is gonna be a busy one :)