Thursday, March 12, 2009

Unanswered prayers...

Its been a hectic week so least its halfway over!! Had a couple pseudo-meetings that went pretty well. Still amped for all the things that will be happening! Not so amped about the massive amount of work that is due/coming due because the end of the semester is nearing. Unfortunately, I can't put off the massive pile of papers....though I would really like to so I can go read some books in the sun!
Anyway, I was talking to one of my old friends tonight about prayer and not feeling like you're ever answered. Personally...I think prayer works...for everyone but me. That's a terrible statement I know, but its at least honest. And I'm sure there's a few people out there who feel about the same. My friend said that maybe the right thing wasn't being prayed for, which I mentioned the Holy Spirit is supposed to be interceeding for us so we do pray for the right thing. They said maybe its the mindset in which it is prayed. I'd normally agree, but when one thing has been prayed for in almost every mindset its hard to beleive its just that. My friend pointed out that sometimes an unanswered prayer is the answer ((that makes me want to sing "Unanswered Prayer". Its a country song. Look it up. )). That's true sometimes, but what happens when you get to evry prayer is an unanswered prayer? Maybe its looking too close at the details and not seeing the grand picture....but it sure is tough when you feel like nothing is ever answered and you're going at it alone...