Saturday, February 21, 2009

Birds on a wire...

Me. Being the awesome person I am. Am reevaluating what I want to do in life. Its really scary because I don't know if this is what is supposed to happen, what will happen or if its just me getting antsy about everything.
Honestly though, I think what is going on with everything is a subtle kick in the pants of saying this is what I'm really supposed to be doing and that it'll fall into place someday soon. I just sent a e-mail to a person asking their opinion. And hopefully, they'll get back with me and let me know what they think and everything. I think that's what I'm supposed to do. There's that "heavy heart" feeling in my chest about it. Don't know if that's good or bad or just the effect of too much caffeine.
I've questioned my position in life so much. I've changed things so much. And the only thing that has ever remained the same is this passion that most don't know about. Here's to finding out what it means...