Friday, February 20, 2009

Gay and Compassionate

"As Christians, that should be our approach to homosexuals. We have seen clearly that God hates homosexuality, but as Christians we are called to treat people with compassion. We are called love people and demonstrate Christ to them. The greatest way to demonstrate love for sinners is to compassionately show them their sin. To withhold God’s hatred for the sin of homosexuality is not compassionate, even if it’s masked with the label of “tolerance.” Withholding the only truth that can bring salvation is the opposite of compassion; it is condemnation.

As Christians we are called to proclaim the truth; and not simply for truth’s sake. We are called to proclaim God’s truth regarding the sin of men so that through the knowledge of sin God may grant faith and repentence that leads to salvation. With homosexuality it is no different. If a homosexual will turn from their sin and turn to Christ, they too can be saved."

This came froma blog that I normally don't read because the people who write it I don't particularly agree with.Their views don't coincide with mine hardly at all when it comes to people with alternative lifestyles and whatnot. I agree that we need to treat everyone with compassion, but I do not agree that it is our place to show them their sins. Pretty sure that's the work of the Holy Spirit. Granted, if they come for advice, and are open, willing and really want it...then its our place to show them what they need to see. But nowhere does it state that it's our place to point out how wrong they are and how right we are. Remember the Pharisees? They let everyone else know about the sins that the people around them were carrying. Were they compassionate because they were saving the people from themselves? Yes, homosexuality is wrong, but we don't need to point out how wrong they are. We need to love them like Jesus told us to. That's what we're called to do. Not to point out sins, but to love. By loving them, we're showing that we care and are truly compassionate. It's not withholding truth or condemning them to hell if we don't point out their sin. If we love them like Jesus, eventually they will turn and see it for themselves. We don't' need to shove our "religion" on them and condemn them for their actions now. We should be merciful and meek. Kind and caring. Loving and nonjudgmental. And we need to remember that before we try to "fix" or "save" someone else from sin(s), we need to ask forgiveness for our own.