Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I have this friend. We've been friends for as long as I can remember....ok give or take 9 years. That's a really, really long time. Especially for a military kid. This friend is someone that I have always turned to for advice. Some of the time I don't listen and do my own thing anyway, but for the most part I do listen. It just takes a really long time for it to sink in and multiple times of being told the same thing over and over again. There have been times when we've had our ups and downs. Many times when one of us got mad and refused to talk for days or weeks. But it's always come around and turned out ok. There have been many late night talks, cry sessions (mostly me on that), trips to Denny's and random crazy times. This friend has helped me through many many rough patches. Tonight we were talking, and they asked me what happened to the me I was in high school. Honestly, I don't know what happened. One day I was happy go lucky, ready to take on the world, gullible but not too much so, and the next....not so much. I guess that's what happens when you grow up. You loose all the gullibleness and overly cheery attitude and face life for what it is. My friend constantly teases me for looking like the gullible person but acting like someone much older. Always trying to get me to laugh and goof off and what not. Its fun to do that. And then we hang up the phone or close out im. And its over for a while. I really miss this friend. They've helped me through so much, shown me tons and have so much wisdom. One of these days we'll meet up again.

senior year of high school
and my sable named "Bessy"

There are times when you realize
your friends are bigger dorks than
you remembered.
My friend-- senior


The two of us trying to win a toy. Pretty sure
we never got it out, but it was fun trying.