Tonight 2009 is officially history. I don't know why I stated that, its pretty well common knowledge. If you didn't know that and are deeply distraught because of that fact, well, sorry. But everything comes to an end at some point. 2010 doesn't look like it will be much different than this past year, well, sans the fact I won't be recovering from a nasty breakup, and with any luck it will be much less dramatic. Unless there's theater drama. That I could do with more of. I suppose I should be reflecting on the past year...
There's my year in review...kinda. Its been shortened by a lot, obviously. All I hope for next year is for more goodness, less badness. More of a chance to get to be known for the real me and not the me that people think that they know. Here's to the new year. 2010, here's to you. 2009, sorry to see you go.
btw, 10 years ago, i was 11.